Monday, January 28, 2013

What's Wrong is Easy to Find

Want to find out what's wrong with America?  There's an easy way.  Just turn on the TV.

Finding the appalling truth about the decline of America takes only about 30 minutes of channel surfing.  Nearly every channel serves as evidence.

If you've got a scintilla of intelligence and are not completely ignorant, you'll be stunned at the ignorance, stupidity, and outright fraud.  Just spend a few minutes to find out what's going on any evening at MSNBC, HBO, CNN, E!, MTV, or most of the rest of the alphabet soup of cable channels.

No, I don't include Fox News.  They may have a conservative bent, but that doesn't mean they're responsible for the destruction of our culture.  They're straight news programs are very much down the middle, which just seems right-wing to the average leftist viewer.

I watch sports, some movies, news, and only one or two television shows.  I ignore Reality TV, don't know or care in the least about Honey Boo Boo or the Kardashians.  I proudly admit I have no idea who "Snookie" is, and no thanks, I prefer to remain blissfully ignorant about that subject.

So last night I was channel surfing in the hotel and found myself shocked and appalled at what was happening with each click.

The experience served to confirm the hopelessness that hit me after the election.  America is shallow, narcissistic, entitled, ignorant and gullible.  I can't change that fact.  Maybe my kids can have an influence someday in the future, but I'm afraid its already too late even for them.  My generation were the enablers.

It's troubling and disappointing.

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