Sunday, January 20, 2013

Big Brother is Strangling Me

Mainly the slow torture from our Big Brother government comes from Obamacare.  My health insurance premium is 50% higher this year, and it still has yet to pay a penny in benefits after about 6 years.  I've already received the letter informing me that the insurance will be discontinued at the end of this year, to be replaced by Obamacare's "exchange" plan.  Just great, how much higher will the premium be next year?  Another 50% I'll bet.  I can't afford the premium I've got now, so I think the fine will be cheaper.

Then there are prescription drugs.  I first got my main brand-name prescription about a year before the Medicare prescription plan was passed by George W Bush and friends.  That same pill costs me exactly double the price today versus the price back then.  Half of that doubling happened the day after Medicare prescription drugs passed.  The other half happened the day after Obamacare passed.

But that's only part of the story.  I'm now forced by my insurance company (you know, the one that hasn't paid for any claim in 6 years) to follow their arbitrary rules.  For example, I got stuck in St. Louis over the weekend a week ago this past Saturday.  I only brought a week's supply, so I tried to get a temporary refill to get me through the second week.  Guess what?  The mail order pharmacy I'm forced to use exclusively said it's not time for a refill yet, therefore I am not permitted to add to my supply. So I tried a CVS pharmacy in St. Louis, but the pharmacist in a very nice way told me there was no system available get a temporary refill. The only possible way to do that was to get my own Doctor to call it in.

Well yeah, you know Doctors don't work weekends.  So my only option was to go without for the weekend, then call the office Monday morning to get an emergency 1-month refill.  You remember, the prescription that costs double what it did when I first started taking it.

Gee, I wonder what would have happened if I needed that pill to keep me alive?  Try to get to an emergency room before I kicked the bucket, I suppose.

Big Brother is an idiot.

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