Friday, January 04, 2013

Only in These Times

Can such a crazy irony take place.  The opportunistic and hyper-hypocritical Al Gore wanted to sell off his failed cable network before tax rates went up.  Glenn Beck expressed interest and was rebuffed before negotiations started, because Al didn't want to sell to any party holding such extreme and opposite points of view to the former VP.

Then he sells the network to Al-Jazeera.  Which means the anti-American terrorism apologist media outlet from the middle east is better aligned with Al's philosophy than conservative American Beck.

Just in case anybody misses it, let's summarize:

Al Gore would rather sell his left-wing cable channel to jihadists than to a right-wing American radio talker.  He has always supported increasing taxes on rich folks, but is scrambling to make his big bucks before the new higher tax rates go into effect.  This is the same guy who pulls in big bucks from the very energy companies he says he wants to drive out of business.  The same guy who lectures all of us about energy conservation but rides around the world in his own jet and owns homes that consume more energy than 10 average American homes.

And this guy was almost the President?!

Only in America, and only in 2013.

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