Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Water is Getting Hot

The old metaphor's getting tired, but here we are.  Obama's the cook and the American people the frog.  The water's very hot and some of us can see the bubbles.  But we're stuck inside the frog alongside all the oblivious who think they're enjoying a nice spa pool.

Let's review Obama's checklist.

Take control of the Healthcare Industry - check.
Nationalize the Auto Industry - check (all but Ford).
Make oil too expensive - check
Shut Down the coal industry - check
Funnel billions to cronies creating "green" companies - check
Distract everyone from all this by focusing on gays, amnesty for illegal immigrants, a phony "War on Women",  telling us that his opposition is driven solely by racism, blaming greedy rich people for everything - check
Destroying the First Amendment with new anti-Catholic birth control mandates - check

Next on the agenda:
Shut Down Talk Radio and Fox News
Effectively Repeal the 2nd Amendment
Complete the transition to 100 percent nationalized healthcare
Forced Unionization
Passing random laws at his whim by Executive Order, daring those who disagree to take him to court.  Then ignoring any court decision that goes against him, continuing to enforce his new laws until he's out of office (will he ever be out of office?)

Farewell, frog friends.

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