Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Faulty Wiring

There's a cognitive problem in America.  Those on the Left seem to have a short-circuit in their brains, as they get crazier by the minute.  The proof is in the latest news.

Krugman at the NY Times thinks we can solve the debt problem by minting a Trillion Dollar Coin.

Every high profile shooter over the past several years has been mentally disturbed and on psychotropic medication.  Yet nobody on the Left seems to have any curiosity about whether American efforts to stop mass shootings might need to look into cause-and-effect of the mentally disturbed and the drugs they take.  They just want to repeal the 2nd Amendment and confiscate firearms from all of us who aren't disturbed and aren't taking psychotropic drugs.

According to the usual Left-wing suspects in Congress, taxes still aren't high enough.

According to Leftwinger-in-Chief Obama, America does not have a spending problem.  And don't try to tell him otherwise - he's tired of hearing it.

The new Secretary of State is 60's era anti-war hippie activist John Kerry.

The new Secretary of Defense is an anti-Semitic former Senator who doesn't think Iran's nuclear program presents a threat.  Iran is proudly supporting his nomination.

A British visitor with a show on CNN is running a personal crusade to outlaw gun ownership in America.  He nightly hammers a message that all gun owners and especially NRA members are evil, as if we're the ones that shot up the school in Newtown. Besides being a British idiot, American gun laws are none of his business.

New Jersey's governor, who pretends to be a Republican, is outraged by congressional republicans who hesitated at borrowing 60 billion dollars on New Jersey for disaster relief.  So much for fiscal responsibility.

Illinois is giving drivers' licenses to illegal immigrants.  Presumably they get a voter card with their license?

Democrats are joining with Planned Parenthood to celebrate a record number of abortions (333,964)performed last year.  Plus a record amount of Federal funds funneled into the organization.  If we want to stop children from being killed, shouldn't we start here?  Why does PP get record tax dollars to kill so many children?

The implementation of Obamacare continues despite a huge and growing list of related taxes and regulations that are killing the American economy.  All while the law is being used to stamp out Religious Liberty.

If I could go back to school, I think I would study Neurology.  I want to find out why the brains of half of all Americans are short-circuited.  We've lost our ability to think logically.

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