Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Inauguration of a Dictator

I didn't tune in to the inauguration.  I had to work.  Plus I need to keep my blood pressure down. 

But I caught the aftermath.  The re-elected leftist president left little doubt about his attitude and ambition for the next 4 years.  His message boils down to this:

"I'm going all-in on my agenda.  If you don't like it, shut up and get out of the way.  I'm opening the borders.  I'm shutting down coal-fired electricity generation plants.  I'm going to make gasoline so expensive you won't be able to afford to keep your car.  I'm going to appease our enemies and insult our friends around the world - if we're attacked, I will not respond.  I'm going to continue to expand the welfare state.  I'm going to continue raising taxes, but not to reduce the deficit or debt.  I will continue heaping onerous and unnecessary regulations on business until they are forced to close or relocate out of the country.  I will control your healthcare.  I will make every one of you dependent on me for your livelihood.  I will force you to embrace and pay taxes toward new benefits for gay people who marry."

All to the cheering and celebration of the left-leaning or ignorant crowd.  And network "journalists".

A sad day for a once great republic.

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