Monday, September 10, 2012

Our Choice is For or Against God

The disgusting DNC spectacle that took place when they decided to push through the re-insertion of God and Jerusalem into their platform hit me with the realization that this year our country decides whether we're for or against God.

Republicans represent the "pro" side.

Democrats represent the "anti" side.

There's really no need to get into platforms, because both party platforms are mere details that affirm their attitudes toward God.

Pro-God means fiscal responsibility, personal responsibility, freedom of religion, less oppressive government, honoring and encouraging the family, and honoring work.

Anti-God means abortion and gay marriage, mandates that churches to abandon the core principles of thier faith, redistribution of wealth from those who work to those who don't, rewarding irresponsible behavior at all levels of society, and encouragement to those who openly and even proudly violate all of God's commandments.

The choice has never been more stark.  Certainly in my lifetime.  Most likely in the history of this republic.

And the media is crowing today that the polls show Obama's going to win.  If so, is there anyplace left on earth to which we pro-God folks can escape to live in peace and safety from persecution?

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