Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Is Obama Pulling Away?

The polling would seem to suggest that Obama's pulling away from Romney in the campaign.  Putting aside for now the argument that many of those polls grossly oversample Democrats, there is a simple explanation: Romney's a weak candidate.

Per my previous post, Democrats believe most of the narrative being promoted by the Obama campaign and amplified by the compliant media.  Romney will make the rich richer at the expense of the middle class.  Romney will deny healthcare to the uninsured, and especially women.  Romney will kill all regulation and let his corporate brothers run roughshod over people and the environment.  Romney will start a war with Iran.  Everybody knows this narrative, because it's unavoidable for anyone who watches television - we don't even have to watch news programs to be bombarded by these messages.

What's the Romney campaign narrative?  Anybody heard one?  OK, Obama's a failure.  But what's Romney's plan?  Nobody knows unless they take initiative to go to his website to read his 59-point plan.

My sense is the Romney campaign is a poor one, poorly executed.  How is it that these "expert" advisors to the campaign don't know that there has to be a simple, easy-to-understand theme.  Last time around Obama's theme was "Hope and Change".  Nobody really knew what that meant, but Democrat-leaning folks were included to fill in the blanks with their own hopes and desired changes.

But I'm realizing that nobody who barely pays attention actually knows what Romney's plan is.  Debt and deficit is a huge problem, but how's he going to fix it?  Iran is almost ready to launch nukes at Israel, how's Romney going to stop them?  Economists are predicting another recession, and unemployment's going to spike back above 9 percent in 2013.  What's his plan to reverse that trend?

Nobody outside of party activists and Romney's campaign staff knows the answers to those critical questions.

His campaign says, "Don't worry, he'll get his momentum back in the debates".  Not if he debates like McCain.  In that last campaign, Obama won the debates by making it seem like he agreed with McCain on most everything.  So voters came away with the perception that both candidates were essentially the same on the issues, so they voted for the "cool" candidate.  I think he'll do something very similar to Romney, since it worked so well for him last time.

I see Obama ads all the time, but seldom see a Romney ad.  The last Romney ad I saw was just about what a great guy he is, it didn't even mention policy.  It was ineffective.  Why doesn't the Romney campaign run ads that tell the truth about Obama's policies and goals that are already harming Americans?  It may be "going negative", but the truth is the truth regardless of whether it's positive or negative, and people need to know.

It's strange to see Romney so passive at this critical stage of the campaign, after he was so aggressive and even mean when campaigning against Newt and Santorum in the primaries.

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