Friday, September 28, 2012

Distrusting the Media Manipulators

What to believe?

The so-called Mainstream Media are telling us it's over - Obama's already won.  They've got polls showing him winning virtually all the "battleground" states, many by double digits.

Then the conservative talkers and sites speak up and say, "Not so Fast".  Those polls showing Obama so far ahead are grossly oversampling Democrats and practically ignoring Independents.  Besides, they haven't noticed anything that's happened except the Convention that could possibly account for such a dramatic change in the polls for Obama.

Didn't he just fail to protect his own Libyan Ambassador from being murdered by terrorists while he had virtually no security detail protecting him?  Hasn't he been caught lying about what happened in Libya and Egypt and a dozen other middle east and north african embassies, trying to pawn off a silly message that they're just angry over some stupid YouTube video?  Wouldn't that story make people sick about the weak and prevaricating President and drive them to Romney, much like many folks got fed up with Jimmy Carter's weakness in the Iran Hostage crisis and turned to Reagan over 30 years ago?

Then there's Rasmussen, who keeps showing the same polling results that have been virtually stuck on the same numbers all summer.  How could the networks and liberal pollsters show a 10 percent advantage for Obama while Rasmussen keeps showing the race tied?  Somebody's wrong.  Just maybe everybody's wrong.

I only have my small circle of family, friends, and acquaintences.  The only people I know who have been Obama supporters admit to me that they're rethinking it.  They're demoralized by his obvious incompetence, but they think Romney's some sort of Viking raider who will starve poor people and elevate his own wealthy class to new heights of excess.  So they don't know what to do.

If only I could influence some sense into those Democrats.  But their misguided beliefs are so deeply entrenched they don't seem like they would ever be willing to become turncoats to their party by pulling the lever for a *gasp* Republican, even a wishy-washy Republican like Romney.

I suppose if you're told your entire life by people you trust that conservatives are evil people, the cognitive dissonance associated with knowing actual conservatives who aren't must be hard to accept.

So I wish I knew what was going to happen in November.  But I don't.  Earlier this summer I was beginning to feel somewhat hopeful that there was a chance Romney could win in a landslide.  Now I'm not so sure of that, but expect that despite the seemingly biased Democrat polls, the race may be as close as Bush/Gore 2000.  (Please Florida and Ohio, save us from ourselves!)

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