Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Chuck Norris Told Me to

Go see the movie, 'Last Ounce of Courage'.  Who am I to ignore Chuck Norris?

So I saw it last night.  Sure, it was obviously made on a shoestring, and production values were on par with a made-for-TV movie.  It was sort of like a Hallmark Channel movie in many aspects.  It was over-the-top with melodrama and sub-par acting.

Even so, it succeeded in extracting some liquid excretions from my ocular region.  In its heavy-handed over-dramatized fashion, it delivers an important message about Freedom, Family, and Faith.  The effect of years of ACLU-driven attacks on public displays of religion is depicted in a small town where students might get suspended if caught with a Bible on campus, the Ten Commandments have been torn down from the courthouse, and a Christmas Tree can no longer be erected in the town square.

The movie is about a grieving father of a soldier who lost his life in an overseas war, presumably Iraq or Afghanistan, who is challenged by his teenage grandson to step up against the erosion of freedoms for which he and his son both fought. Grandfather and grandson both step up with the help of others, and are of course persecuted by the Left-Wing PC crowd to the extent that Grandpa actually gets jailed briefly after replacing a cross that had been torn down from a rescue mission in town.

The movie message is valid, even if its presentation is a bit overbearing.  The clear message is that Americans need to step up and be counted to save our most treasured freedoms from destruction by leftist forces.

Do I endorse this film?  Sure.  Everybody should see it.  Christians and Conservatives will love it, while Atheists and Liberals will hate it.  But if nothing else, I hope those who don't like the message at least will form some understanding about how the rest of us feel when they constantly try to drive our faith underground by telling us we're being "offensive" when we publicly celebrate Christmas.

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