Wednesday, September 26, 2012

It Must Be ... Peer Pressure?

This week I have been thinking about the irrational behavior of the Hollywood celebrities who continue to support Barack Obama in spite of the fact his policies are in direct conflict with most of their personal interests.

I keep puzzling over why singers and actors and other artists would continue idolizing the President who has promised to confiscate half their income, work against their ability to obtain healthcare for their various diseases (social and other), and tamp down their most treasured of rights - Freedom of Speech? 

Then there's his demonstrated promise to impoverish most Americans and take the profits of companies that presumably would include film and music companies, which further depress the market for these people's artistic expression.

OK, so he promises to pay for their abortions, and provide government freebies for their same-sex bedfellows, but is it really rational for them to support a president who's going to harm their standard of living?

So then it hit me.  The answer is Peer Pressure!  Hollywood types behave just like teenagers, and what's the most important thing in the world to a teenager?

Acceptance.  Being adored by their peers.  Being Cool.

Have you seen those creepy ads put out by Hollywood actors with writing on their hands pledging allegiance to Obama as if he's some sort of god?  It's beyond reason or rationality.

The bane of every parent of a teen is the comman phrase, "Everybody else is doing it!" to justify the latest stupid, crazy thing the kid wants to do.  Certainly in Hollywood, everybody else is panting over the celebrity-in-chief and making absolute fools of themselves as they worship him and make a game of finding the most outrageous libel they can dream against Romney.

It feels sort of like a revelation.  I think I can reasonably extend the theory beyond Hollywood to explain the leftists leanings of people from places like Manhattan and South Beach and Seattle.  It doesn't have to be rational; it just has to feel good and achieve that positive feedback from one's peers.

Perhaps that's why Adolph Hitler managed to be elected Chancellor of Germany so many years ago. (OK, I'm not saying Obama's Hitler.  Maybe a bit more like Vlad Lenin, or perhaps Hugo Chavez, but not exactly Hitler)

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