Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Hiding from the News this Week

For the sake of my blood pressure, I'm going to avoid the news this week. The DNC agenda appears to be packed with speakers who will extol modern Democrat party values, which nearly all inspire only nausea for this Christian Conservative.

It's more than I can bear to hear or watch Democrats extolling the virtues of illegal immigration, gay marriage and gay adoption, "free" contraception and abortion on demand, green energy and envy of the wealthy.

I've become weary of seeing Ms. Wasserman-Schultz and Ms. Cutter and Mr. Axelrod appearing every day on the networks spinning nasty lies about their political opponents.  I'm even more weary of those network pundits suggesting that the lies are equally distributed between the campaigns, which is itself a lie.  I can't bear any more of a President who operates under the philosophy that the ends justify the means. 

Instead of "Vote for Me", we have a sitting President running a campaign based on the message, "Hey, at least I'm not George W. Bush".  Or "Don't vote for the other guy, you'll lose your government check!".

For the last 3 and a half years I've been watching as my country circles the drain, barely hanging onto the rim of the toilet with my fingernails.  Down below, I see the rest of the people riding the whirlpool as if it's an amusement park ride.  I keep trying to get their attention to warn them of impending doom, but they just ignore me.  Soon there will be no safe place left to go.

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