Thursday, September 06, 2012

Here's to Ignoring the DNC

I haven't heard a single speech.  I haven't watched any network or cable convention coverage.  So how did I still manage to pick up on these little tidbits?

The Dems eliminated all mention of God from their platform.  They also removed a declaration that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.  Apparently they took a lot of heat on those decisions, so they put them back in - by having their chairman lie about the voice vote results when they asked the delegates to vote on putting those items back into the platform.  This could be the most telling story of the convention about who Democrats really are.

Sandra Fluke is back as a primetime speaker at the convention. The law student who hates Catholics yet attends the Catholic University at Georgetown thinks all employers must be forced by government decree to pay for contraception and abortion for their female employees and their 26-year-old dependents.  But she can't come out and say that, so she has to invent a fantasy world where evil Republicans who hate women won't let them see a doctor or get a mammogram.  Republicans somehow want to force women to have dozens of children against their will.  If American women are buying that fiction, we really are in serious decline.

The single largest block of DNC delegates appears to be Teachers.  I wonder who's teaching their classes back home?  Maybe instead of the DNC we should refer to it as the NEA National Convention.  I wonder if there is a single private small business owner there as a delegate?  Wouldn't that person make for an interesting interview: "So you support the major expansion in your healthcare expenses brought on by Obamacare?  How is your business going to adapt to that and the rest of the federal regulatory costs?"

Democrats everywhere are swooning over Michelle Obama's "wonderful" speech.  Apparently it was so moving they cried.  This might be the confirmation of my consistent theory about Democrats - they're driven by emotion.  All heart and no brains.

Wow, how did I pick up all this stuff while ignoring the convention?

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