Monday, September 24, 2012

In Search of a New Frontier

The  media is not outright declaring that the race is over, but they seem to believe it.  They're reporting on polling that shows Obama surging in the "swing" states since the Dem Convention.  Some of those polls stretch believability, as they come back with double-digit leads in some cases in states where Obama won in 2008 by much less a margin.

What I think I know is that most folks are entrenched behind either Obama or Romney.  And it appears that a very small group of folks, somewhere around 6 or 7 percent, will make the final decision for the rest of us.  They can decide by pulling the lever on election day for one or the other, or by staying home.

I think most of Romney supporters aren't terribly excited about Mitt the man, but are highly motivated to replace the current occupant of the White House.  I'm one of those that sees Romney as an almost apolitical moderate, who is unlikely to implement anything bold if he wins the office.  He'll will implement policies that will begin to trim the deficit, but he won't solve the debt problem.  I believe he'll work to repeal or defund or refuse to enforce ObamaCare, but I don't think he'll take the lead on some other, better healthcare plan to replace it.

I know of lots of folks who are thinking of sitting out this election because they're not inspired by either candidate.  Many people share a sort of hopeless feeling, that Washington has become so corrupt and partisan that they're incapable of actually solving any problems. 

I tell them I'm definitely going to vote for Romney for some critically important reasons.  I'm appalled at Obama's disrespect for Christians - especially Catholics and Evangelicals, and his willingness to abridge the First Amendment in favor of secularist policies to prevent babies from surviving to birth.  I'm appalled at his appeasement attitude toward Muslim terrorism alongside a disdain for America's traditional allies, especially Israel. 

I fail to understand how it's possible for a president to win re-election given the disastrous circumstances we're experiencing when his campaign's only messages are, "At least I'm not as bad as the other guy", and "The rich need to pay more taxes".  It's as if the entire country has gone insane, with a significant percentage seeming to worship the president as if he's some sort of demi-god.

We deserve the suffering we got when we elected him, and deserve the suffering to come should we do it again.  If that happens, how can those like me who yearn for freedom go to start over as free people?

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