Tuesday, September 25, 2012

NFL Officials Contract Dispute

I haven't paid enough attention to the contract dispute to know what the sticking points are between the NFL owners and their referees.  All I know is that the referees want more and the owners know they have the upper hand in negotiations, because people don't buy tickets or tune into NFL games to watch the officials.

Driving to work this morning I heard a brief mention on the radio that the two sides were about 3.5 million dollars apart.  That surprised me, because in the economics of the NFL, that number's pocket change.

So now I'm thinking its about power, not about the money.  The surprisingly small number, along with the lockout, suggests to me that the owners want to make a statement and cow their officials into taking what they're given and never fighting for more again.

I don't know what the refs made in the old contract, but suspect it's a pretty handsome paycheck for a part-time, seasonal job.  Generally, if the refs were being asked to take a cut in the new contract, I'd be pretty sympathetic with their cause.  But if they're asking for full-time status and lots of new benefits like a Cadillac health plan and generous pension, I'd probably lean more toward the owners' side.

But I don't know, and despite last night's debacle in the closing play of the Seahawks/Packers game, don't care too much.  I don't know any NFL referees personally, which is the only way I'd have any interest.  But as a fan, I hope they make a deal soon and get the pros back on the field so we can have a bit more confidence in the quality of officiating.

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