Tuesday, April 02, 2013

The Secret National Emergency

Bet you haven't heard a word about it, but Sexually Transmitted Disease has reached epidemic levels.  Per the CDC, there has been an explosion of Gonnorrhea and Chlamydia among our children, the vast majority of cases occurring between age 15 and 24.  There's also an epidemic of Syphillis among homosexual men.

Bet you haven't heard anything about the explosion in the illigitimacy rate either.  The rate of births to unmarried women is now 40.8% overall.  Overall birth rates are falling precipitously, but the nuclear family is all but destroyed.  The birth rate has declined by around 60 percent in the last 20 years.

If you look at the trends of illegitimate births (a term the CDC refuses to use), it is true they are trending downward slightly over the past 5 years, but still are up 100% from 1985.  But compared to the drastic reduction in the overall birth rate, I have to assume that the decline in total unwed births is misleading. There's a trend of women having children later and later, with women over 40 having babies at a record rate for that age group.

88 percent of births to teens were illegitimate, and 63 percent to women between age 20 and 24 were also illegitimate.  Sounds like a crisis level to me.

Wonder why none of the news networks have picked this up?

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