Friday, April 26, 2013


The demagoguery from the president and the "Gang of 8" gives me heartburn.  Especially disappointing is Marco Rubio, who checked his principles at the door of the Gang of 8 meeting room.

Imagine a fantasy Washington, DC, where lawmakers actually did what was best for America instead of what was best for their power and position.  In such a place, a truly commonsense solution would be passed and implemented.

Unfortunately, even the immigration laws already passed have been ignored by the president, who essentially has implemented his own immigration laws without any input from congress or anyone else outside his White House staff and maybe Big Sis.

My solution has been posted before, but maybe it's time to reiterate.

If we started today, the first step would be a nationwide announcement.  Use television, newspapers, radio, and any other sources to get the word out.  The announcement goes something like this:

Attention all those currently residing in the United States of America without permission.  The United States is allowing you 6 months to return to your home country.  The 6 month grace period ends October 31, 2013.  During this 6 month period there will be no change in current enforcement methods in place regarding those discovered to be in the country illegally.

As of November 1, 2013, the immigration laws of the United States will be enforced to the letter.  Whether a person is caught illegally crossing the border, illegally employed at a US-based entity, or otherwise living in this country without permission, that person will be given 30 days to produce evidence of permission to reside in the US if requested.  Without proof of such documentation permitting residence in the country, such illegal residents will be promptly deported to the capital city of their country of origin.  Each deportee will also be placed on a list of people to be permanently denied entry into the United States, and if caught back in the country after deportation will be subject to prosecution and imprisonment for breaking immigration laws.

Likewise, beginning November 1st, 2013, all United States employers must use the Social Security identification database to verify the eligibility of all current and potential employees for employment.  Those employers caught employing ineligible people will be subject to a fine equal to the annual salary of each ineligible employee for the first offense.  The fine doubles on the second offense, and the company officers will be subject to prosecution and likely jail time for the third offense.

Anyone here illegally must return to their home country during the grace period, but may apply for a work or residence permit that could allow re-entry within 90 days.  Qualifications for re-entry include the following:
  • Evidence of assets sufficient to insure the immigrant has the means to fully support him/herself without government assistance
  • The official ICE 'Employer Intent to Employ' form from an employer that certifies that a stable job is awaiting you when you re-enter the country
  • An official certificate from an ICE-recognized educational institution that proves you have passed an accredited English Language Competence Examination
When approved, you may re-enter the United States accompanied by your immediate family.  Immediate family is defined as your spouse and children, who must be natural or legally adopted.

So much for those illegal immigrants currently in the country.  From Novermber 1st forward, all illegal immigrants encountered through normal contact with law enforcement will be processed for deportation.  No more arbitrary selective deportation as currently practiced by the Obama administration.

That's the catch, isn't it?  Suppose everything I described in the above solution is passed by Congress.  In the first place, he won't sign it.  But in the impossible event he were to sign it into law, suppose he decides to ignore it and continue selectively enforcing immigration according to his own whims and perceived political advantage?  The entire effort would then be rendered immediately futile.  The president could be sued to force him to enforce the law, but by the time the case makes its way through the courts he'll be out of office.  Likewise impeachment proceedings.

So there's not much point to trying any immigration legislation.  At least until or unless a president takes office who actually respects the rule of law.

Too bad.

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