Monday, April 29, 2013

Convince Me They're Not Evil

The time has come to call out evil where it exists.  I'll give the rank and file Democrats the benefit of the doubt - many continue to support evil leaders because of willful blindness and unconditional loyalty.

But the modern Democratic Party is evil, because they promote evil policies.

A good place to start is the events of last week.  Kermit Gosnell is on trial for the most heinous acts of murder in his charnel house of an abortion clinic.  Gosnell has done Josef Mengele proud. Yet the president has had nothing to say about the case; instead he became the first president in history to give a speech at Planned Parenthood.  Not just a speech, but he bestowed his blessings on the murderous organization (which by the way refuses to condemn Gosnell's practices).

The man in the White House promised to fundamentally transform America.  Gone are the old-fashioned ideas like the Constitution, personal responsibility, limited government.  In their place is a massive and still growing intrusive government that seeks to control every citizen's daily life.  The Democratic party follows their leader as he destroys freedom and replaces it with Big Brother.  Fairness is the catchword that replaces Freedom.  The problem with Fairness is it can be perverted by the narcissists who make up the Democratic party.  To them, fairness means taking stuff away from people who've earned it and giving it to people who haven't.

Exploding regulations are destroying American industry.  The smart companies escape to other countries that offer more friendly conditions, while those that remain struggle to keep their doors open. 

An ungodly coalition of Democrats and Republicans have willfully permitted millions of people to illegally cross the borders to work for peanuts.  Dishonest businesspeople enjoy employing people "off the books" so they can lower their labor costs, while dishonest politicians simply look at these millions of illegals as future Democratic voters that will keep the party in power for at least a generation.  Meanwhile a corrupt "Gang of 8" senators bands together to produce a dishonest "reform" bill that seems to do nothing but legalize virtually all of the invaders.  The actual number will not be known until they all present themselves for the amnesty program.  Estimates at the low end are about 11 million, while those who add in the family members of those millions suggest the number is probably well over 30 million.

The Democrats forced what's called the "HHS Mandate" on everyone in America under the "Affordable Care Act", which is one of the most ridiculous misnomers in the history of politics.  It requires every health plan to provide "Free" contraceptives to all female employees.  Even when the plan is provided by a Catholic employer who believes artificial contraception and abortifacient drugs are immoral.  The government says that we don't have the right to our own conscience, but their goal of eliminating "unwanted" pregnancy is the overriding social good.

We just saw this same transformative president achieve re-election largely because of the success of his party in transforming half the citizens into wards of the state.  The campaign strategy was merely to frighten those wards with the specter of Republican governance taking away their monthly checks.

Even today, as I was looking over the morning newspaper over breakfast, I saw an article about the president's frustration that one of his priorities has fallen victim to budget cuts.  The priority?  Pre-Kindergarten education for everyone.  Great, let's have the government instill their values into our children during their most critical formative years.  Sadly, I imagine there are too many young parents who support this program simply because it promises them free day care in the years before kindergarten.

The supporters of evil no longer recognize evil.  So they're much more easily manipulated into enthusiastically supporting evil.

I find myself in a shrinking group of Americans who still believe.  We're being marginalized and called nasty names for believing in God, working hard and earning our own way for our families, acting responsibly in all areas of our lives, and raising our children to embrace the same values.

It is no longer Republican versus Democrat.  It is now Good versus Evil.  (Not that Republicans are all good; only a subset of principled Republicans qualify to be called "Good")

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