Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Seeking Understanding

The debates have been going on this week about how to describe the Boston Bombers.  Although they were clearly Islamic terrorists, the Left is working overtime to try to paint them instead as a couple of disaffected individual actors unafilliated with any movement.  The argument almost sounds like it could be made by Christians - ie

Love your enemy
Do good to those who hate you
Turn the other cheek, if he takes your coat give him your coat also

But they don't use those words.  Also, the same folks continue to make horrible and false accusations against Christians.  So apparently their charitable feelings toward followers of Mohammed do not extend to followers of Christ.

I'm struggling to understand.

The truth is that the Tsarnayev brothers were indeed Islamic terrorists.  They were not just a pair of "nice guys" from the neighborhood.  Why can't the left-wing news outlets just admit that basic truth?  They openly wished and prayed to their pagan gods that the bomber would be a white tea-party member.

We all wish the Tsarnaev brothers hadn't become so alienated and radicalized, but the unavoidable truth is that they were.

The leftist news folks also are trying desperately to create a strange argument that somehow says the brothers were not acting under the direction, support, or cooperation of terrorist organizations like Al Quaeda. 

While we don't have any definitive information about that one way or the other, what is it exactly those news folks hope to achieve by hammering so hard on their hair-splitting message?  If the brothers bombed all those people at the Marathon in the name of Islam, why is it so vitally important to separate them from the other larger and more formal terrorist organizations?

I suppose they're using the same approach as with Major Hassan, who they still say killed all those military folks at the base because of a case of "workplace violence", rather than an Islamic terror act.  Why?

It's easy to find the heated arguments of the Left in this case.  But it's not so easy to find the reason for those arguments.  I can't figure out what they hope to achieve.

The closest explanation I can find is the infamous article by David Sirota, Let's hope the Boston Marathon Bomber is a White American.

But even that doesn't really explain it to my satisfaction.  Sirota seems unhinged with the suggestion that if a terrorist act is actually carried out by Islamists, it might destroy the entire Left-Wing agenda.  Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see the Left-Wing agenda destroyed before it destroys all of us.  But I fail to see why being honest about who the bombers actually were has anything to do with politics.

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