Saturday, April 20, 2013

Shall we pass it to find out what's in it?

As near as I can tell, that's the way the Senate wants to handle their new Immigration bill.

The so-called Gang of 8 gleefully rolled out their massive new immigration bill this week.  But I couldn't tell you much of anything about what's in it.  What little I've heard is more aptly called characterization than fact.

Oponents say it immeditely legalizes all 12 million or so illegals already in the country.  That seems to confirm the charge that says they are better called "undocumented Democrats".  Which would also seem to indicate that Republicans are signing their death warrants by supporting it.  Although lately I can't be sure McCain and Company are actually smart enough to realize that fact.

Opponents also say it fails to take any serious steps to secure the border.  It rather makes vague promises that the border will be secured in the future.

Since it's something like, what, 1,600 pages, I certainly haven't read it.  Neither has most of the Senate, I would imagine.  Unless it turns out to be a brilliant, fair, and commonsense solution to the illegal immigration problem, I'm guessing it will destroy Marco Rubio's presidential aspirations.  And my odds on it being a great bill fall at less than 1 in 100.  So goodbye, Rubio for President.

The saddest thing about this whole issue is this:  We've got all the laws we need to solve the illegal immigration problem already on the books.  All that's required is for the government to simply decide to start enforcing them.

May I pose a very simple question?  If a President decides on his own to selectively enforce laws, change them unilaterally, or ignore them altogether, is that not dereliction of duty?  Beyond that, could it be construed as high crimes or misdemeanors, thus grounds for impeachent?

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