Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Fooling Half of the People All of the Time

They do it by changing the language.  Illegal Aliens has become Undocumented Immigrant.  Abortion has become Women's Preventative Health.  The Benghazi terror attack was explained as a Spontaneous Protest.

The ugly truth about abortion is being made clear with the prosecution of Kermit Gosnell.  People are only now learning the reality of abortion is not merely the excision of some tiny mass of tissue from a woman's cervix.  Instead it is the willful murder of a baby who unfortunately finds herself the product of a casual extramarital sexual encounter. 

Turns out that baby isn't some amorphous blob of tissue, but a fully-formed human being.  Because she was created through an illegitimate sexual relationship, she is ripped from her mother limb-from-limb and thrown out as biological waste or flushed down a toilet.  Gosnell merely decided that it's easier to kill the baby after she's born, by taking scissors to her spinal column.  His methods are just as brutal as what he does to the infant in the womb, so his defense seems to be "so what?".

The President just promised Planned Parenthood that he will fight harder than ever to let them continue doing this to millions of children.

The Gang of 8 is dedicated to opening the borders and erasing the immigration laws.  An "Undocumented Immigrant" is somebody who sneaked across the border into the United States.  Mostly those folks cross from Mexico into Texas or Arizona.  If they get caught, they get deported back into Mexico where they try again, maybe as soon as the next day.  Those who don't get caught are excited that the President and the Democratic party wants to forgive their felony and hand them a voter identification card. 

Whether someone is in the United States because they sneaked across the border or merely stayed beyond the expiration date of their Visa or Work Permit, they're here illegally.  The law says they should go home.  If they want to emigrate to the US, they must make proper application.  Sure, the process probably does take too long, and favors educated and skilled people over unskilled and uneducated folks from the third world.  Sorry, but that's a separate issue and does not justify illegally crossing the border in hope you'll someday be a legal resident.

The most egregious case of mis-characterization in terms was committed by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama after the Benghazi massacre.  A terrorist organization in Libya attacked and killed the Libyan ambassador and those Americans who were with him in a preplanned offensive on a poorly protected consulate.  We already know that the ambassador was very concerned about security and sent multiple requests to the State Department for increased protection.  But he was denied by Hillary herself, who simultaneously ordered a drawdown in security personnel.  Then she lied about the entire event in front of congress.  That's nothing new for Hillary, who has made a habit of lying to congress.

So the White House took the CIA report of the massacre and tossed it in the trash to create their own version of events, which sought to describe the incident as merely a spontaneous angry protest over some YouTube video that was insulting to Mohammed.  That was completely false and manufactured, but was pushed through a compliant media for over a month after the massacre.

Today the reports are surfacing that survivors of the massacre are being threatened by the White House and the State Department not to talk to anyone about what happened that terrible day in Benghazi.  Some have reportedly found the courage to hire a lawyer and offer testimony to congress about the truth of the events of that day.

Will those hearings signal the beginning of the end for the corrupt Democratic rule in the Senate and the White House?  Or will the media desperately try to marginalize the testimony and hide the truth to continue propping up their celebrity president and his would-be heir?

Based on the experience of the past decade, we can count on a dishonest and uncurious media continuing to pull out all the stops to protect their messianic president.  But we can still hope the truth finds its way.

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