Friday, April 05, 2013

Historic Anomaly

Assuming that history is not destroyed by a totalitarian regime, future historians will be scratching their heads over the events that occurred in the years of Obama.  Sentient Americans with an IQ above 80 are already scratching our heads over what happened last fall and continues to occur.  How can history explain a generation of Americans who have lost their minds?

We re-elected a president who brought us

Obamacare: The worst law in the history of the nation.  If you set out to pass the worst possible law to make healthcare more expensive and less accessible while enriching your political cronies, I suppose Obamacare is what happens.  Even today in the local paper there was a letter to the editor expressing the writer's surprise that so many oppose a law that will help people get access to care and cost less; I suppose she's been living under a rock somewhere.  The poor woman will be shocked when she finds out what happens when the law's fully in force next year.

Poverty:  We haven't seen poverty levels this high since the Great Depression.  Yet this president claims we avoided another Depression by implementing his policies.  I suppose people are more easily fooled this time because all those falling into poverty now get food stamps and welfare.  Slightly more than half the population has embraced the message, "Don't believe your lying eyes, believe me!".

Energy:  Our country is sitting on the greatest energy reserves in the world - gas, oil, coal.  We might come at least close if not completely wipe out poverty if only we loosen the regulations that close those resources and go as far as close down existing sources (i.e. coal).  Meanwhile the middle east is exploding and we're paying record high prices for the energy we need to heat our homes, run our vehicles, and transport goods around the country.

Ruinous Deficits and Debt: The president's own agenda has created a structural deficit that will never be closed.  His only proposal to reduce the ruinous deficits is to take more taxes from the "rich", but then he wants to plow those extra taxes into more spending on his pet projects that only further enrich his friends and cronies.

Religion: He's produced more anti-Christian policy than any president in the history of America.  Obamacare tramples the right of churches and individuals to follow their conscience by forcing everyone to participate in his infanticide agenda.  He further pushes a homosexual marriage agenda that will marginalize the Church and force it underground.

Yet slightly more than half the country turned out in the last election to keep him in the White House. In the highly unlikely event an historian from the 24th century who is scratching his head over how Americans could have allowed all this to happen, here's my answer.

That narrow majority happened because their votes were purchased.  This president successfully used a compliant media to paint his opponent as a threat to those monthly welfare checks and food stamp handouts. Romney's message of bringing back opportunity and jobs that would free the poor from the government dole was twisted into a mischaracterized theme suggesting his objective would be to strip those welfare recipients of their monthly benefits. Therefore the recipients simply voted to protect their income, at least as far as they were misled to believe.

The bottom line is that we have the first president in the history of America who was elected under false pretenses.  Amazingly, he and his campaign advisors perpetrated a massive fraud on approximately half of America.

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