Friday, May 19, 2006


I haven't had a day off since Christmastime, I have most of the urgent stuff done for today, and it looks nice outside. So I'm considering taking off early to go play a little golf.

Tim & I had time to kill waiting for Chris to be done with his basketball camp in Seymour last night, so we wandered around a couple of car lots. We decided that the only used car lots worthy of our business are those that post their prices. What an idiotic tradition to make you ask a salesman for a price on a vehicle, who is likely to withhold the information in an attempt to get you to test drive it and get all excited before trying to close the deal that's great for his commission but not so great for your pocket. For me, wandering around looking at vehicles and prices had the effect of making me feel better about hanging on to ol' Jed awhile longer.

The kooks who keep saying our government is somehow torturing prisoners in Gitmo despite investigations that reported the contrary have friends in the UN, which is calling for the closing of the camp and release of prisoners there. The question is, release them to where? I'd suggest just dropping them off in Cuba to become guests of Fidel when we close the camp, but that's just me.

I was sort of wondering, since most of the Gitmo prisoners are enemy combatants from Afghanistan, why not just turn them over to the Afghan government? I may have found the answer at PowerLine - check out their article titled The UN Keeps its Eye on the Ball

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