Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Just wondering ...

How is it that the very people who have successfully shut down domestic oil exploration through environmental laws are now the most vocally angry about high gas prices?

If your contention that major US oil companies are sticking it to all of us just because they can, then how do you explain the late '90s, when gas was under $1 a gallon and oil companies were hurting and going out of business?

If we do what you want and immediately and abruptly pull all our troops out of Iraq, do you really believe there will be no consequences for either us or the Iraqis? Would you be OK with the results, which would almost certainly be hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis in a civil war, a takeover of Iraq by Iran, and a major escalation in the jihad against us almost immediately?

Just how do you think diplomacy will actually stop Iran from building nuclear bombs and launching them at Israel and sending them over here with their terrorist cells to detonate in our own cities? So we just say, "we want to be your friends, please don't make nukes", then they will say, "why didn't you say something? Of course, we'll stop building nukes right now!"?

What is congress doing about illegal immigration? Who said we need a new law, when there are plenty of existing laws that just haven't been enforced? Isn't the only thing needed just appropriation of money to seal the borders, prosecute employers who knowingly employ illegals, and simply process and deport those here illegally? Do you think your favorite Senators who are more focused on amnesty than enforcement really have any intention to solve the problem?

The economy is better than it's been in a decade, so why is everyone so spitting angry?

Why does the "culture of corruption" keep playing prominently about two or three Republican indictments that are seriously weak, when there are far more serious credible charges against Democrat lawmakers that aren't even mentioned on the evening news? Wouldn't you say at a minimum that corruption happens in both parties among corrupt individuals?

Seniors now get their prescription drugs paid for by the government, so why are they so angry about it?

What's all this ugliness against Christians? Are those of us who happen to be believers blowing up more people than Islamic terrorists? If you can call the President all manner of vile and profane names and accuse him of awful and untrue things, why can't Christians simply mention that, uh, you know, some behaviors are wrong and sort of disgusting.

You think everybody who hates Bush is being secretly and illegally surveilled? If so, would you mind giving me a name of a single person who has been unfairly arrested, imprisoned, questioned, harrassed, fired, ridiculed, audited? Just one name?

If you're going to be angry at the president or congress, don't you think you should at least find out the facts to make sure what exactly you should be angry about?

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