Thursday, May 18, 2006


The depth of ignorance I encounter seems to be bottomless. Just when I think I've heard the most ignorant ideas possible, somebody proves me wrong just by speaking.

Had an unscheduled visit to the dentist yesterday afternoon. Gave in and scheduled the work they told me I needed done a year ago. Trips to the dentist for me are torture sessions. And I don't even have any national secrets to protect. (Ever seen Marathon Man? "Is it safe?")

Got a call about a 6-month full-time contract possibility in Cincinnati. Could be very nice, but would not allow me to do anything else for 6 months. Not sure it will happen, though.

Summer movie season is arriving. Cars looks like fun.

Too bad Dickie Lugar was unopposed in the primary. If a credible candidate had decided to take him on this year, I would have happily voted for him (or her). Unfortunately, when we get to November I'll probably have to hold my nose and vote for Lugar anyway. Frustrating.

Would vote against Bayh too anyway, but he's not running this time around. Both Indiana Senators have lost touch with their constituents. And their party machines don't care.

I've been home all week, which was nice for the first few days. But I'm ready to go out again. Maybe this traveling stuff is in my blood. I'm restless and bored. (And some other things, not for public consumption.)

I noticed something about the CSI shows. Not sure about Miami, but doesn't it seem like New York and Las Vegas have almost the same storyline for thier "Season Finale"? Are they using the same writers or stealing ideas from each other?

So what about The DaVinci Code? Is it heretical and anti-Christian? Yeah. I read the book, and it certainly is a novel written based on some pretty wild theories that seem to have originated from a book called "Holy Blood, Holy Grail". Treated simply as a work of fiction, it's a great read, and probably made a pretty good movie as well. But it's unfortunate that Dan Brown chose to promote the book as based on some serious questions, rather than solely a work of fiction. That makes me suspect that Brown may, for reasons I can't know, have an anti-Christian agenda in promoting information in his novel as "factual", when most every idea presented has been proven either completely false or badly distorted.

Would watching that movie be some sort of unpardonable sin? Nah, I don't think so. Watch it solely as fiction, and it is nothing more than another good movie. Watch it with the idea that it has some sort of underlying "truth" about Jesus and Mary Magdalene and the early Catholic Church, and maybe so. Want to boycott the movie to send a message about not supporting such anti-Christian stuff, like happened with the horrible Last Temptation of Christ? Go ahead, but I'm not sure it will succeed.

I want to go on vacation. Somewhere warm, on the ocean.

Better get back to work then.

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