Tuesday, July 09, 2013

The Travesty of Justice in Florida

Prosecutors had no intention of bringing charges against George Zimmerman. Because there was insufficient evidence to suggest that the altercation between Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin that fateful night was anything other than self-defense.

But race-baters like Sharpton and Jackson got wind of the case and whipped up a racial angle. They managed to instill fear in the Florida Governor and Attorney General, who ordered Zimmerman indicted and prosecuted despite the lack of evidence. They feared race riots, so they sacrificed Zimmerman's rights to protect their own hides and avoid nightly news images of angry black men breaking windows, looting stores, and burning down buildings.

The little bit of the trial I've caught confirms that the prosecution is flailing.  Their only hope for a conviction lies in "proving" that Zimmerman acted out of racial animus, not self-defense.  Which requires getting into Zimmerman's head to find out what he was thinking.  Their pitiful attempts included getting some forensics guy to say he didn't think Zimmerman's injuries were all that serious, so getting his head bashed repeatedley against the concrete sidewalk somehow didn't justify a lethal response.

Is it possible that Zimmerman shot Martin unnecessarily, even with evidence that seems to suggest otherwise?  Yes, it is possible.  But nobody witnessed the incident from start to finish.  No matter how hard they try, the prosecution will never be able to prove that Zimmerman is guilty of second-degree murder. It doesn't matter that most black people are certain he's guilty, or that most non-black people are just as certain he's innocent. What matters is the evidence, and the evidence is more supporting of self-defense than of murder.  How people "feel" about the case is irrelevant.

It is interesting to see that nearly every black person brought on television to comment about the case is absolutely certain that Zimmerman shot Martin out of a racial animus. A new term has been manufactured by the dishonest media, "White Hispanic". What does that mean?  Does it mean that we should now refer to the president as a "White Kenyan"?  I suspect that if George Zimmerman's name was Jorge Garcia, nobody outside of Florida would have ever heard of this case.

Some people believe that Zimmerman will be convicted. If so, his conviction will serve as proof that there is no longer Justice or the Rule of Law in America.

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