Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Makes Me Nauseous

Those images that have been broadcast on the news the last few days showing Wendy Davis and a crowd of screaming pro-abortion women gave me that tickle in the back of my throat signaling a percolating up-chuck.

Wendy's a liberal heroine for loudly and stridently demanding that abortions of fully-formed babies past 20 weeks continue.  As far as I can tell, she has offered no specific arguments about why such abortions are necessary. 

If it saves the mother's life?  No, that's excepted in the bill.

If the baby's got a serious defect?  No, that's also excepted.

What then?

All I ever heard her do was conflate the law as a denial of basic rights to medical care to women.  So for her, a pregnant woman has the absolute right to kill her healthy, fully-formed child?

As I said, not just Wendy but all the members of her radical, cheering mob make me want to puke.

Has America really become this selfish and heartless?

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