Monday, July 22, 2013

Living in a Hurry

This post may push the envelope a bit on my cardinal rule of not sharing personal information.  But to the extent this includes personal information, I imagine none of it is particularly unique or anything that might be used against me.  I only hope it can help support the thesis of this topic.

It wasn't until recently that I realized something important.  That I've lived my life in a hurry, always focused on a future goal or rite of passage.  Seldom, if ever, have I managed to be satisfied with the life that was happening at the moment.

As a pre-schooler, I couldn't wait to go to school.

I couldn't wait to get big enough to ride the roller coasters at Cedar Pointe.

I dreamed about making the varsity basketball team in High School.

I became bored and unmotivated early in my Senior year in High School and couldn't wait to graduate and start College.

There were girls.  That's all I will say about that.

I couldn't wait to graduate from College and find out what sort of career would develop.

I couldn't wait to get a decent job that paid enough so I wouldn't have to sweat the monthly bills.

I couldn't wait to be a father.

I was impatient to achieve that promotion to Manager.

I couldn't wait for the boys to start playing sports at a competitive level.  I dreamed about each of them becoming a top contributor to their varsity teams.

I looked forward to the boys graduating college and moving into adult life.

I looked forward to getting all three through college so I could shift my financial focus to retirement savings.

As the job becomes more and more routine, I have begun to long for retirement.

Wait a minute!  Once I reach retirement, what will I look forward to?  Joining family and friends who have passed on before me?  No, I don't think it's quite time to start anticipating that.

You know, all that stuff I couldn't wait for throughout my life never quite matched my dreams of what life would be like once the time came.  Nothing ever satisfied my desires, but rather my biggest achievements and milestone events fell well short.  I can't say I was disappointed neccessarily, but instead led to the question, "Is this all there is?".

It's too bad it took me so long to learn this important lesson.  Embrace your life today and let tomorrow take care of itself.  Don't live your entire life believing happiness is just around the corner with that next promotion or recognition.  That attitude merely causes true happiness to be always just beyond our reach - instead we can choose to be happy with where we are today.

Today I resolve to be content.  I will no longer waste time dreaming, scheming, and planning for the next milestone of my life.  The next milestone will arrive when its ready, and how terrific it is depends mainly on my attitude at that time.  I'll strive to keep a positive attitude every day, and let the next milestone come when it will.

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