Tuesday, May 07, 2013

The Story of Benghazi

It was September 11th.  The anniversary of the terrorist destruction of the World Trade Center in NYC.  Terrorists love to plan attacks on momentous anniversaries, but our Liberal leaders in Washington DC discounted the possibility and decided to act as if it were any other ordinary day.

Meanwhile there were multiple sources of intelligence from Libya, where insurgents drove out and killed their former dictator.  The intelligence pointed strongly to a likely attack on the diplomats who happened to be away from the Tripoli embassy, doing as yet unknown business in the American Consulate in Benghazi.

The Ambassador made multiple requests of the State Department for beefed-up security, because he was well aware of the threats from Al-Qaeda linked terrorists.  Sure enough, a full-scale assault took place on September 11th.  It lasted more than 8 hours and ended with the death of the Ambassador plus 3 other Americans trying to fight off the terrorists.

The attack was of course immediately reported to Washington.  Special Operations Commandos were ready to deploy immediately to drive off the attackers and rescue the Ambassador and the other Americans that were with him.  Washington ordered the commandos to "stand down".  The Ambassador, a computer specialist, and two CIA agents were abused, tortured, and killed.

The White House convened an emergency meeting the next day to construct a cover story.  They threw away the actual assessment provided by the CIA and other Intelligence sources in order to concoct their own fabrication about a protest over some YouTube video they claimed was disrespectful of Islam.

They sent Susan Rice, one of Hillary's top assistants at State, out to all the Sunday news shows to deliver the false story that the event was merely a protest over the video that sort of got out of control.

Today, three people with direct knowledge of the events of that day are scheduled to testify in front of congress.  Previews of their testimony suggest that they're prepared to expose Hillary as a liar and schemer who was in the middle of the Stand-Down order, the decision-maker who denied the Ambassador's requests for higher security (in fact, she ordered security to be drawn down), and either the source of or an active participant in the creation of the false narrative about the YouTube video.

What we probably will never know are the answers to these questions:

1. What was Ambassador Stevens doing in  Benghazi in the first place?  What was his mission there?
2. Why did Hillary ignore the Ambassador's pleas for better security, and actually reduce his protection in response?
3. Why were the commandos ordered to stand down once the attack was underway?  Who issued the order?  (It's the Commander-in-Chief's job, so I think that's the obvious answer)
4.  Why was it something like 23 days before investigators arrived on the site of the attack? Why was the site of the attack left open and unprotected during that entire time, when anyone could have entered and taken evidence and documents away without delay?
5.  Reports suggest that America knows the identities of several of the attackers, but has yet to try to capture them?

The fact we don't have answers to these questions is disturbing.  I have no reason to believe these questions will be answered today.  The only people who know the answers are Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and their senior staff.  And none of those will ever tell.

Democrats have no defense other than to call the whole investigation a GOP witch hunt.  I haven't heard any member of the Administration, the State Department, or the Democratic Party attempt to offer a plausible explanation for what happened on 9/11.  They instead fight back with charges of GOP partisan destruction (Dan Rather says the Republicans want to tear out Obama's heart and feed his liver to the dogs). 

Mike Huckabee thinks this will destroy the Obama presidency and that he will be forced to leave office before the end of his term because of what will be revealed in this investigation.  I think he's dreaming.  Bill Clinton skated on his sex scandal, committing and suborning perjury, and using the power of the presidency to intimidate witnesses against offering testimony.  So Obama will skate on this scandal, just as he did on Fast & Furious.

The only political question is whether this will destroy Hillary's chances to be nominated, then elected the next president.  In a sane, reasonable world, Hillary wouldn't have a snowball's chance in Hell.  In our insane upside-down world, Snowmen thrive amidst the flames of the netherworld.

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