Thursday, May 23, 2013

Polar Opposite

Had the radio on during breakfast.  Was listening to the morning news program on a talk radio station, which generally trends to the right.  The host invited a writer from to explain his contention that we're focused on the wrong scandals.  The host let him talk without comment or argument or attempt at rebuttal.

It was a great learning opportunity for this conservative.  It gave illumination into the mind of the American Liberal, and solidified the fact that Liberal thinking is the polar opposite of mine.

Benghazi, IRS, and investigating the Press are not scandals, according to this Leftist (I didn't catch his name).  He has 3 far more important scandals to talk about.

1. Gays were removed from the Gang of 8 bill.  This is the guy's number 1 scandal, and he's extremely upset.  A provision was removed from the Immigration Bill that would have permitted chain migration for gay partners of those illegal immigrants granted legal status by this new law.  In other words, it would have allowed the newly legalized "immigrant" the right to bring his or her same-sex partner into the United States as a legal resident and spouse.

Since I think the entire bill is a travesty, I am not going to get worked up about some provision to give special treatment to gay partners.  Of course I've been appalled for a long time that there's a movement that seems to be succeeding designed to enshrine aberrant behavior to destroy one of God's most important institutions and therefore destroy the foundational definition of the nuclear family.

2.  X Thousand people got killed with guns just since the NewTown massacre.  Hearing him talk, you'd think the guns just jumped up and killed all of those people by themselves.  In his strange world, the reason gun control legislation failed was because of the nefarious and corrupt obstruction by Republicans who want the violence to continue.  He expressed his hope that gun control will be re-introduced and might sail through this time around.

I think the second amendment is there for a reason.  I'm also well aware of what happens in places that ban firearms, but that's merely a side measure of proof why the second amendment defines an important right that should never be abridged by a tyrannical government.

3.  Guantanamo isn't closed. Apparently to this Leftist, Gitmo is living proof of the bad intentions and abuses of the American government.  He's scandalized that people can be held in an offshore prison with no hope in sight of presenting their case in front of a court of law.

I'm not worried about Gitmo one way or the other.  I can only ask, where else should we put the terrorists we captured in the act of murdering Americans?  As far as trial, I'm still confused why we haven't proceeded to try them in the military tribunals as specified in law?  Unless I'm misunderstanding something, the reason is because the current president wants to try them in civilian courts instead but is getting resistance from the citizens.  So how does it make sense to bring extremely dangerous terrorists into major American cities to undergo a public "show" trial?

4.  The budget deficits have gone down.  The Leftist guy claims we've saved billions and billions by shutting down the Iraq war and winding down Afghanistan.  So let's start spending money to "rebuild" America!  This guy says the scandal is in Republicans who keep hammering the ideas of cutting spending and reducing the size of government when what America needs is the opposite!  He claims the Republicans are now lying when they say the budget is out of control.

Of course the deficits are down.  Deficits have been running a trillion to a trillion and a half.  This year the projections are down below 1 trillion for the first time since Obama took office.  I realize Liberals don't care even a little bit about unprecedented levels of deficits and debt in the Obama era.  Sort of like the high-spender claiming that we can keep spending as long as there are checks in the checkbook.  Yes, part of the reason deficits are going down is due to Republicans in congress refusing to give Obama more checks in the checkbook.  This Leftist think it's scandalous, but I think it's great and want them to cut even more.

I'd like to see this guy's personal financial statement.  I'd lay odds that he lives paycheck to paycheck and teeters on the brink of bankruptcy.

We're polar opposites.  All the pundits saying Republicans and Democrats should find common ground and compromise for the good of the country.  It's not possible.  There is no common ground possible between polar opposites.

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