Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Not Time to Celebrate

Turn the tables and imagine for a moment that the President is a Republican.  Imagine the Republican President is facing the same scandals - Benghazi, IRS targeting of Democratic organizations, snooping on all of the AP's phone records in search of a leaker.  The impeachment hearings would already be concluded, and headed to the Senate for the trial.

All three scandals are consistent with everything those of us paying attention have been seeing for the past 4-plus years.  The Obama Administration is secretive, thuggish, and has no regard for the constitution or the law.  The ends justify the means.  Obama can't get what he wants through congress?  OK, I'll just order one of my agencies (EPA, ATF, Homeland Security) to do it anyway.  Obama doesn't like a law?  OK, we just will refuse to enforce it.

So the Benghazi "whistle-blowers" testified that they were bullied and threatened by political staffers appointed by Obama to try to stop them from appearing.  So the top IRS officials, also appointed by Obama, have now been identified as the source of the illegal scrutiny the IRS has been giving to conservative groups.  And I saw Eric Holder's press conference this evening, where it sure sounded to me like he was the one behind the Soviet-style investigation into the activities of the Associated Press.  Strange, since the AP's long been a reliable tool of the Obama Administration.

I'm not celebrating.  Even if Obama is impeached or forced to resign, I won't celebrate.  Because it's a terribly sad era in American History.  We're now experiencing the consequences of electing a president we knew nothing about, who promised nothing but vague notions of "hope" and "change".  We might have done better to elect an avowed enemy of the United States - at least we would have known what we were getting ourselves into.

No celebrations.  Sure, I'd like to see Obama kicked out of office, but all that will happen is the idiot Uncle Joe Biden will take over.  It's hard to imagine things would improve under those circumstances. Ugh.

If only Obama would step up and tell the truth, just once in his life.  If only he would tell us, "Yes, we screwed up big time in Benghazi.  Both by failing to keep our people safe and by lying about it afterward."  If only he would say, "My campaign team told my IRS appointees to make sure they did as much damage to groups supporting my opponents as humanly possible.  And I'm not sorry."

But we all know the honest Obama does not exist.  So no celebrations, not now, not until we get a new president.

Unless that president is Hillary.  Heaven Help Us.

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