Friday, May 03, 2013

How We Got Into This Mess

Is very simple.  America abandoned God.  We kicked him out of our schools and called it "Separation of Church and State".  A phrase which appears nowhere in the Constitution, by the way, and has been misused to mean something entirely different from what Thomas Jefferson meant when he penned it in a letter.

We abandoned his commandments when the Supreme Court "discovered" a brand-new constitutional right to privacy, which they proceeded to twist into a right to murder babies.

We are not engaged in a no-holds-barred race to become the modern Sodom & Gomorrah.  The media hates one professional athlete (Tim Tebow) for professing his Christianity, while they celebrate another (Jason Collins) for "courageously" announcing he likes to have sex with other men.

Our country wouldn't be in the terrible mess it's in if it were not for our abandonment of God:

We wouldn't have had the economic collapse if a corrupt government hadn't colluded with greedy financiers to create the overheated mortgage market where unqualified home buyers were given loans they could never pay back.

We wouldn't have a healthcare crisis if a corrupt government hadn't colluded with greedy insurance companies and organizations which exist solely for the exploitation of poor people to eventually pass the most corrupt healthcare bill in history.

We wouldn't be arguing about "gay marriage", period.

We wouldn't be in a rush to forgive untold millions of illegal immigrants in order to give them Democratic Voter Registration Cards if we cared about the security of our country and treating immigrants fairly.

We wouldn't be arguing over new bans on firearms if we hadn't decided to "save money" by closing all of the facilities for the mentally ill, turning the insane loose on society to shoot a bunch of folks for no reason now and then. 

We wouldn't have as many unemployed people if more folks took seriously their responsibilities to provide for their families.

We wouldn't have 88 percent of girls under 20 having illegitimate children if we even tried to instill basic morality in our children anymore.

We wouldn't have record levels of unmarried domestic partnerships if we actually respected God's sacrament of marriage.

I could continue, but this should be enough to convey the idea.  Our own founding fathers predicted that this unique Republic, which was blessed to be the most free and most prosperous country in the history of the planet, could not withstand a departure from God.

We cannot withstand God's turning his back on us.  That's why when totalitarian government takes full control, we should not be shocked.  Those of us who know enough are very saddened, though.

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