Thursday, May 30, 2013

Desperately Seeking Good News

Where's the good news in a disastrous run of bad news?

Well, I am enjoying a rare stretch of time off.  The stock market's booming for the moment, although many are predicting it's just a bubble due to burst by the end of the summer. Ultimately, on a personal level things are OK for now.

But I've already been informed that my health insurance will be cancelled at year-end because it doesn't comply with the ObamaCare standards.  The letter from the insurance carrier also informed me that my only alternative will be to purchase a policy from the ObamaCare "exchange".  I have tried to figure out what that might cost, and the answer seems to be as much as 20 grand.  I'll probably be better off to skip it and pay the fine (or as renamed by John Roberts, the tax)

There's no longer any doubt about the Benghazi story.  The State Department denied all requests for improved security, the Ambassador plus 3 others were horribly murdered by Islamic terrorists, then the President and Secretary of State knowingly lied for weeks about what actually happened.  There's no need to keep asking who created the lie, when it is absolutely clear that Barry and Hillary kept repeating it.

The IRS targeted conservative groups that were perceived as enemies of Obama during his re-election campaign.  Christians, Tea Party groups, Constitutional groups, and many other organizations aligned with the Right were harrassed.  Investigators keep trying to find the smoking gun tying the practice to Obama, but they won't find it.  The Democrats and Obama's inner circle have built a wall around their president to protect him and will sacrifice themselves before they allow him to be tied to the scandal.  Worse yet, the harrassment continues even today while the IRS claims they've stopped it.

Eric Holder ordered gestapo-style wiretaps and fishing expeditions against AP reporters, Sheryl Atkisson at CBS, and Fox News.  Undoubtedly searching for anything that could be used against them so those reporters the White House believe are their enemies to make them examples as warning to any reporters who might be thinking about digging into stories that might reflect badly on Obama.

It appears that most of the public is either unaware of all these scandals or simply don't care.  Both theories mean very bad news for America.  If the public fails to rise up and demand the removal from office of all those responsible, they're voting for totalitarian government.

If you are like me and things are going along OK for you, just wait until next year.  We're all going to feel the pain of full implementation of ObamaCare.  Then will we see the tyrannical government escalate beyond the harassment already happening and start to come after us? 

We're about to find out.

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