Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Who Cares?

After the election I lost interest in politics.  Last night's Indiana blowout of North Carolina was much more interesting to me than any talk radio or blogs or articles.

They're all atwitter about the "Fiscal Cliff". *YAWN*.  So what?  I'd rather see the pre-Bush tax rates come back January 1st and let the Democrats and their media sycophants beat the drum about the nasty Republicans who refused to "compromise".  Their definition of the word means "compromise your principles", not "find common ground".

All Republicans need to do is stand up and tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may.  The House should pass the best possible bill that truly puts us on the path to solving the debt problems while stimulating the economy and tamping down the overreaching federal bureaucracy.  Send it to the Senate and tell them, "Let us know when you want to get serious and talk about our bill".

I know, won't ever happen.  Ergo, why care?

The USA had a chance to rescue ourselves from an incompetent narcissist who wants to be dictator, but there weren't enough informed and responsible voters to accomplish that.  So he continues to shred the Constitution, and commit egregious acts of corruption and lawbreaking (read: Benghazi, Fast & Furious).  And the country doesn't care.

Because it's racist and unpatriotic to point out such things.  Here's a news flash for those of you who think we conservatives oppose the President only because of his race:  No, we oppose him because he's lawless, incompetent, and is pushing hard for policies that have destroyed America as the free and prosperous place we used to know.

So I'll root for my favorite teams and try to make a living despite the government pickpockets.  Unless and until there's a leader who emerges who actually proposes solutions to problems that would actually work and has the courage to step up and force the issue, I'm out.

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