Friday, November 09, 2012

Explanations Abound

for Romney's loss.  I've been mostly ignoring the news and have found my self rather uninterested in Talk Radio lately.  Somehow I still hear people theorizing about the reasons for Mit Romney's loss.  Republicans were so confident about taking over the Senate and regaining control of the White House, because after all, we haven't had such an inept president since Jimmy Carter!

But the people who showed up voted to keep President Inept in the White House.  All that's left is to wonder why.  Let's see if I can recall all the reasons being bandied about:

He's an ideological chamelion

He's a Mormon

He's rich

He doesn't pay taxes

He has Swiss Bank Accounts

He doesn't understand what its like for ordinary people

He's stiff and impersonal

He's too liberal

He's too moderate

He's too conservative

He will outlaw abortion and contraception

He will destroy Medicare and cut Social Security

He will cut Food Stamps

He would be just like George W Bush

He will start another war in the Middle East

He failed to expose Obama's failures and corruption

He failed to aggressively counter the lies spread about him by the Obama campaign

He didn't raise and spend enough money

He couldn't spend money on advertising through the summer while the Obama campaign was running negative ads against him to which he couldn't respond

He failed to explain how his policies would impact the lives of ordinary people

A dishonest press and media were unpaid activists for the Obama Campaign

Obama's photo op trip to the Sandy-ravished Northeast the days before the election pushed him over the top by making him look caring and compassionate

Republicans didn't show up to the polls - something like 3 million fewer votes than McCain got in 2008.

America's demographics have changed. There is now a plurality of people who have discovered they can vote themselves benefits, and they will do so from this point forward.

I suspect that he lost because of a combination of most of the above reasons.  But it no longer matters.  It's over.  The takers have overwhelmed the makers, therefore we makers can only prepare to be looted.

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