Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Destroying a Political Party

Those folks we like to call the "Establishment" are delusional.  Apparently they look at Romney's loss and decide it's because he wasn't moderate enough.  If only Republicans would embrace amnesty for illegal immigrants, then maybe their candidate would get more Hispanic votes.  If only Republicans would back off the Pro Life thing, maybe more single women would vote for them.  If only Republicans would stress a stronger desire to negotiate peace than go to war, if only ...

As they spout these inanities, all I hear from these people is, "Republicans need to become more like Democrats".  Not surprisingly, lots of this "advice" is coming from (so-called) journalists and Democrats!  It's sort of like the Steelers telling the Patriots before a big game that people will like them better if only Tom Brady stopped passing the ball, and they used only running plays on offense.

Unbelievably, the GOP party "leaders" seem to be falling for it.

Somebody needs to explain something to Boehner, Priebus, McConnell and the gang:  Conservatives know why America has been the greatest nation ever established - freedom.  If your game plan follows the opponents' demands (to run the ball and never pass), then you have the wrong game plan!  You didn't lose because the other side has a better message; you lost because you failed to communicate your own message.

The whole "Fiscal Cliff" argument is happening now.  But you wouldn't know it, since the media's obsessed with David Petraeus' affair (but not at all curious about the reason it was made public the Friday before he was scheduled to testify in Congress about Benghazi).  I think the GOP-controlled House should stick to their guns and pass a bill designed to fix the budget crisis and reform the tax code, then tell Obama and Reid they can take it or leave it.  They can go ahead and pass the bill through the senate and get Obama to sign it, or we'll go ahead and let all the Bush Tax rate cuts expire.  All along the way, go on TV every chance you get to explain how this bill will help solve the problem and challenge Obama and the Democrats to explain why they refuse to support it.

Yes, I know.  The "mainstream" media won't give them the airtime and will actively promote the Democrat's message.  Which as usual will be misleading to false on nearly every point.  And the media will trumpet to the ignorant masses the White House theme that it's the Republicans' fault because they refused to negotiate.  Whatever.

Hinderaker makes a pretty good argument for this idea.

Be bold or go home.

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