Thursday, November 01, 2012

What I've Learned About Democrats

Democrats are everywhere around us, and they can't consistently be picked out of a crowd based on their looks or clothing.  I think there are two categories of Democrats; the ideological activists and the generational.

Ideological Democrats are fully versed on their Party's platform.  They firmly believe in and support socialist government that takes as much as possible from the wealthier citizens to provide programs and benefits to the poorer folk.  They believe in protecting abortion on demand and will fight hard to stop any laws that would attempt to restrict or delay what they believe is an inalienable right of women to destroy the baby in her womb at any time and for any reason.  They truly believe that if America would just stop making war, there will be no more war.  That rich white men are the bane of the universe and must be cut down to size.  That corporations are evil faceless entities bent on mistreating their employees and gaining monopoly power that would permit them to mistreat their customers as well.  That no rich person became rich by honest hard work.  They want their government to control people for their own good.  Dictates to citizens about what they may eat and drink, what sort of vehicles they may and may not drive, and bans on tobacco use (but ironically no bans on smoking of illegal substances) are all desirable functions of government.  They hate Christianity and seek to ban it, or at least force it underground.  They think Christians are ignorant superstitious fools who believe crazy stuff like God created us, not the random Evolutionary theory the ideological democrat considers sacrosanct.  Their substitute religion is sort of a hybridized version of Paganism and Eastern Mysticism, which leads them to believe our modern lifestyle is destroying the planet and needs to be stopped.

Generational Democrats are a bit different.  They are ambivalent about issues like abortion and redistribution, and aren't necessarily on board with the idea that government should restrict our personal choices about what we can eat or drive.  They're Democrats because their families have always been Democrats, or they hold jobs in the public sector.  Don't tell them that their salaries are too high and their pensions are overly generous, because they firmly believe they deserve every penny and more.  They will never accept that their compensation is bankrupting the country - rather they believe corrupt government is wasting money elsewhere and can fix the budget if they really want to without touching their pay and benefits.  They've never heard of Fast & Furious or the scandal behind the Benghazi terror attack.  They've heard of Solyndra, but don't know any details and figure it's just a right-wing propaganda story.  They like ObamaCare, even though they know nothing about it beyond that it forces insurers to take on folks with pre-existing conditions and cover adult children under their parents' policies.  They think that the blame for the bad economy lies solely with the Bush Administration, but can't really explain exactly how.

It is disappointing to have discovered firsthand that Democrat voters are voting based on mostly false and misleading beliefs about the critical issues facing the country.  It's sad to see that so many people are casting their vote based on these beliefs, which range from arguably to completely false:

Richard Mourdock believes rape is God's will

The rich aren't paying their fair share, and if they start paying their fair share our budget problems will be solved

Republicans want to outlaw contraception

Republicans will take us back into unnecessary wars in the middle east that bust the budget and kill our young men for no purpose

Oil, Gas, and Coal can be replaced by windmills and there will be no more pollution

Polar Bears are endangered by Global Warming

Republicans are against Education

Republicans want to deny healthcare to people who can't afford insurance

Republicans would have let the American Auto Industry die in bankruptcy

Republicans are bent on destroying labor unions

The only statement on the above list that has even a little bit of truth is the last one, but even that one can be debated.  Who wouldn't vote for the Democrats if the above statements were true?  If those were true, I don't imagine there would be anyone that would call themselves Republican.

This is what makes me sad, and unfortunately it means that several Democrats will be elected on false pretenses, quite possibly including the President.

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