Saturday, April 30, 2005

It's Harder when you can't Talk

So I'm discovering the downside of the CASA job. I can't discuss the case with anybody except those directly involved. And that includes posting anything about it on the blog.

All I can say is, how can people be so stupid? Sometimes I feel like shaking someone, yelling at him/her to wake up! Can't you see what you're doing is destroying yourself and everyone around you? What is your problem? Why can't you grow up and take responsibility?

OK, enough ranting. If I'm not careful I might violate my orders to keep everything private. And nothing I've said so far could be tied to any individual person or case.

On the other hand, this job is all about the kids. Boy do they need someone to look after their best interests, and I think CASA's a great idea for doing that.

I've now been asked more times than I can count why I'm a CASA. And most of the questioners seem unsatisfied with my answer. It's almost as if they can't understand doing something difficult as a volunteer even though you really don't have the time, just because you want to help. Does everyone these days only do things if they receive a direct reward or benefit? I wonder.

Burning the ol' candle at both ends lately, so of course I caught a cold. Can't talk at all. Oh yeah, that means there's no way I can sing at church tomorrow - better mention something.

1 comment:

N said...

i have to say i was taken rather by surprise by the whole casa thing... it's not really your typical style. one can hardly fault you, obviously, but it was still a big surprise.