Sunday, April 24, 2005


Has it always been like this, or is it a reflection of the current generation? I'm talking about expectations; those expectations we have of each other but are always disappointed. Is it any wonder that it's so hard to maintain friendships, relationships, and family unity?

What do we expect from a friend?
  • To be there for whatever comes along
  • Non-judgemental
  • Available at 2AM just to talk
  • Pick up the check without keeping track of who's turn it is
  • Puts you ahead of his/her own spouse, family, boy/girfriend - anybody
  • Always up for whatever wild idea might pop into your head
  • Always in control of him/herself so he/she can take care of you when you're not
What does a man expect from his wife (which is different from a girlfriend)
  • Total devotion
  • Good cooking & housekeeping skills
  • Non-judgemental
  • No major mood swings - just happy & fun
  • Always looks gorgeous, doesn't need makeup, and sheds the baby fat after each birth
  • Likes sports as much as you do, and enjoys going to games, playing golf, or can hold her own with a basketball (but still can't beat you)
  • Doesn't try to manipulate you with you-know-what
  • Happy to take care of the tough and messy part of kids and leave you for the fun stuff
  • Doesn't complain if you work too late or go out after work with your buddies
  • Surprises you with little notes hidden in your briefcase, shows up at the airport when you return from a business trip, plans little romantic getaways without the kids now and then, keeps things interesting
  • Takes care of paying the household bills, but is sure to leave you some cash to spend on your toys
What does a woman expect from her husband? (which is different from a boyfriend)
  • Unlimited earnings - at least 6 figures - that she gets to spend as she likes
  • No more than 40 hours a week at work, and able to take a day off whenever she asks
  • In addition to the yard work, he also has to do all the home repair, including plumbing and electricity, plus build furniture or something in a basement or garage workshop
  • Watches little or no television - especially not sports, but if he does watch, it's a movie they both like
  • Doesn't buy season tickets for sports teams, but does buy them for the symphony, opera, or ballet. And enjoys the concerts as much as she does.
  • Treats her like a queen every day, worshipping at her feet. (And massaging them)
  • Does at least half of the housecleaning chores, and cooks dinner half of the time. Is a great cook, but not quite as good as she.
  • Pursues her favors regularly but doesn't complain when she doesn't feel like it. Even if it's been a month, or two, or ....
  • Takes the kids off her hands whenever she needs a break, and doesn't hesitate to take care of the "dirty work". Takes care of the more difficult child discipline issues.
  • Supports her in every family decision and never argues about finances, house rules for the children, schedules, and activities.
  • Is always nice to her mother.
  • Never goes out with friends after work, but happy to babysit whenever she wants a "girl's night out"
Like I said, it's a wonder anyone can ever keep a relationship together. We're a pretty self-centered generation, wouldn't you agree?


Carrie said...

You are right Dan, with expectations like that, it's a wonder any marriage, or friendship or that matter would survive!

Thanks for commenting on my blog. I do understand men tend to shut down, especially during an emotional outburst from their wives. It's just easier to shut down then to deal with all the drama.

For me and my relationship though, I wish it were that simple. I give him space, like on up to a couple of weeks at times. But I can only take so much of being ignored, you know?

SuperP. said...

I agree with the first two lists.. but what women want?? I think you got that a bit wrong.

My perception of what women want:

The offer of a helping hand after dinner.
Spontaneous flowers once or twice a year.
Their man indoors and sober most nights.
Conversation that doesn't always end in argument.
Debate that doesn't always end in argument.
Respect of personal boundries and trust of these, on both sides.
Freedom to feel, think and remember.
Occassional adoration.

and.. the two most important after the list above:

Actually being there during sex. Heart and Soul. Shoes off.

Knowing when to lie.