Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Oh No I'm Sick

I can't believe it. Whatever it is, it seems to have started with Tim, moved on to Chris, and now I have it. My day started out OK, just a little tired and creaky feeling in the morning. But as the day has progressed, I have been feeling worse and worse, until right now I feel like a truck ran over me.

Time to go home. On the way I'll stop and get whatever looks like it might work for my symptoms. I'm so ticked, as I've really been staying away from all the flus and other stuff that went around all winter. Now I get hammered. Plus, I'm supposed to head back to Chicago right after my morning class tomorrow. Well, we will cross that bridge when we get to it.

I used to wonder which of my sons would be married first, or which was most likely to make me a grandpa first. For a long time, I expected it would be Tim, who has pretty much always had the girls hanging around and never lacked for female companionship.

But now I'm changing my prediction to Nick. But you say that Nick doesn't even have a prospective girlfriend right now? True, but he seems pretty focused (dare I suggest consumed) with finding one. I could be off base, but it seems like Nick's at the stage where he's actively seeking "the one". Tim's nowhere near that mindset. Therefore my prediction - Nick will stumble across his dream girl before 2005 is over, and will marry her shortly after graduation.

Of course, now that I've made the prediction, Nick will probably read my blog and be motivated to prove me wrong, just blowing up the whole thing altogether. Even so, I'll stick with it at least until I find evidence that makes me change my mind.

Trying to have a little fun in the midst of misery helps just a little.

1 comment:

SuperP. said...


:) And, thank-you for your comment on my site. It's appreciated. :)