Tuesday, February 01, 2005

dem dummies

I've taken a long break from politics, but stuff happening lately is actually getting somewhat humorous. For a bunch of people who want us to believe they're the intelligent ones, they sure have been stupid lately.

Here are great ways to win over the American people:

Barbara Boxer is the poster child for stupid democrats these days. First she raises a challenge to Ohio's electoral votes by alleging fraud, but has no evidence whatsoever to back up her challenge. The best arguments she could come up with was that the lines were long in some minority polling places and some people couldn't or wouldn't wait, and that there was a problem with a machine at one place (which everybody knows was caught and corrected). She then had the distinct honor of being the only Senator to vote against certifying the electoral count for Ohio.

Then good ol' BB proceeded to make a fool of herself by openly calling Condi Rice a liar in her confirmation hearings for Sec State. Condi slapped her down with a masterful retort that got lots of play across the media. So Barbie decided to get even more petty by holding up the confirmation vote just for spite. There might be a couple dozen wackos in her San Fransisco consituency applauding her, but I'm guessing the rest of Californians probably now consider her an embarrassment.

Now we get a great success in the Iraqi election, and here comes John Kerry. Still acting the part of the sore loser, he can't bring himself to say anything positive about the outcome, but still seems to be making the same campaign speeches. Maybe if he says it often enough, people will finally start to believe him when he says that he could get the UN to cooperate and share the burden of helping Iraq rebuild and stamp out the insurgency. Interesting that he still hasn't explained just how he would do that - apparently just the force of his charismatic personality will make guys like Chirac and Schroeder come around; "Sure, we'll be happy to give billions of dollars and thousands of soldiers to the effort in Iraq just because it's you asking, Mr. Kerry". What's that guy smokin?

And Kennedy is still talking like a drunken fool, Pelosi is a nutcase, don't get me started on Byrd, and they just might make Howard Dean the chairman of their party. Wow, I'm no political expert, but even I see clearly that just about everything they are doing right now is incredibly stupid.

How about instead of slamming Bush at every turn, they offer their own alternative plans and ideas? Anybody ever heard them say what they think would work better, in Iraq, for Social Security, balancing the budget, stimulating the economy, etc.? I haven't.

How about instead of obstructing everything Bush is trying to accomplish, they step up and offer to deal. Mr. President, you want us to help pass initiative A? How about you give us our minimum wage increase? Get the concept? (Look up 'compromise', it's in the dictionary)

I've always been suspicious of politicians, but I don't know if I've ever seen them acting so irrational and stupid as the dems right now. At least it's almost entertaining to watch.

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