Monday, December 03, 2012

What Party Platform Promotes Breaking Ten Commandments?

Let's run it down quickly:

1. Don't have other gods before God.  Which party promotes Government as God, and their President as the Messiah?
2. Don't Worship Graven Images. A bit tougher, but does one party tend to build more monuments to their leaders?
3. Honor your Parents. Hollywood cranks out movies and television shows every day depicting parents as clueless idiots.  Which party dominates the political leanings of Hollywood?  Which party thinks the Education System should take children away from their parents from infancy so they can indoctrinate them against the parents' old-fashioned and bigoted attitudes and faith?
4. Respect the Sabbath, Keep it Holy. Which party scoffs at everything Christian and will never darken the door of a Church?  The don't work part of this commandment isn't really a fair indictment for a party that doesn't really think work is a value to be promoted.
5. Don't Curse in God's Name. Think of the crudest and most profane people you know, then think of which party they're most likely to favor.  (Bill Maher, perhaps?)
6. Don't Murder. Which party stridently promotes the murder of infants, calling it "Choice"?
7. Don't Commit Adultery (ie, don't have sex with somebody else's spouse).  Which party demands we ignore it when their leaders are guilty of this one?
8. Don't Lie.  Which party's favorite president lies in every speech to the delight of his followers?
9. Don't Steal. Which party thinks it's their right to take others' property and give it to those who "need" it.
10. Don't Envy Others. Which party campaigned for the last 4 years on the idea that "rich" folks don't deserve to keep what they have and should be punished with high taxes?

See what I'm getting at?  More than half of America now is dedicated to breaking each and every one of the 10 basic laws God gave Moses way back when.  And they've turned their hostility toward God into a political movement!

Just think about it for awhile.

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