Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Being in the Minority

Suddenly I discovered I'm no longer a member of the majority in America.  It's a bit disconcerting.  I'm not referring to race, but if mine is not in the minority yet, it seems it will be soon.

I'm referring to those American values I used to believe were nearly universal.  Only hippies and communists rejected them.  Now the hippies have grown up and taken over, and we call them Democrats.  Likewise communists.

So all this stuff going on I can't even understand, and am stunned that it's all taken seriously by a reported majority of Americans.

The debt/deficit problem can only be addressed with spending cuts and tax increases.  But the media tells me that the majority says the answer is tax increases only, and only on the "rich".  Defined as anybody that makes more than they do.  Because somehow they came by their wealth dishonestly and deserve to have it taken away from them.  I don't understand how it's justified to hammer people based on an arbitrary $200K earnings number that won't make a measurable difference.  At least raising taxes on everybody would make a difference in the deficit we might notice.

Gay Marriage is now a fundamental human right.  In my world, marriage is an institution we received from God for the purpose of building and maintaining families.  It seems the majority has redefined it as all about sex.  I don't understand the logic.

Illegal Immigrants are now just people who need to be welcomed with open arms.  It doesn't matter that they broke the law to enter the country, often avail themselves of our generous welfare programs paid for by the rest of us, and commonly break laws against identity theft, driving without a license, etc.  Why should America be the only country on the planet that must open up the borders to anybody who wants to come?

America's got the richest energy resources on the planet, including vast untapped reserves of oil, coal, and natural gas.  But we're told the majority think those energy sources are dirty, and they've elected people who have essentially shut down development of those resources and forced us to import them from countries that hate us and hope to annihilate us someday.

Science is settled, not on Climate Change, but on human development.  Babies are human when they're conceived.  Aborting them is murder, plain and simple.  But we have a president who would kill them even after they've been born alive, calling it 'honoring the mother's right to choose'.  The majority allows the issue to be obscured by silly arguments over allowing the murder of children conceived through rape or incest, as if those represent most abortion cases.  I don't get why we can't tell the truth about abortion without the hippies changing the subject.

We're assured that everything's just fine in the world due to the president's "smart" leadership.  But all I see is country after country melting down into chaos and the middle east about to go nuclear. A clear failure in security and horrific bad judgement by the President and his Secretary of State led to an American Ambassador and a number of others being killed.  The same President and Secretary chose to lie about what happened for a month after it happened, then angrily denounced those criticizing the obvious failures and lies as racists.  And strangely that majority does not care.

Christianity is the religion that founded the nation.  Now the majority holds Christianity in disdain, and supports driving all messages about the Gospel of Jesus Christ underground.  Many in that disdainful majority rank the Christian faith above Islam as the most dangerous and violent faith on earth.  Despite a total lack of supporting evidence.

So yes, I'm a minority.  It's strange and confusing to suddenly discover the "majority" consider me some sort of racist-bigot-homophobe-teaparty rube.

In other words, the majority is insane.  And America is becoming their asylum from which the sane can only hope to escape.

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