Thursday, December 27, 2012

Has the Faith Community Already Lost?

Two articles today suggest perhaps we have.  At least on the Life issues.

Congress passed a Defense Authorization Bill.  It includes free abortions for women in the military.  The House passed it 315-107 and the Senate 81-14.  So much for a pro-life legislature.

Sonya Sotomayor was up to bat to review whether or not the Supreme Court would hear a case about the HHS contraception mandate.  She of course rejected it out of hand, saying that Hobby Lobby will just have to pay for the morning after pill or pay the million-dollar-a-day fine beginning next Tuesday for refusing to do so.  Of course the lower court judge told them to go away because they aren't a church, therefore matters of concience don't apply to them.

Another story that is sort of related, sort of not, is about the CNN Village Idiot from Britain.  Piers Morgan now says the bible should be amended.  Because it happens to identify sexual activities like fornication and adultery and homosexuality as sinful.  How terribly outdated, says Piers. 

How's that petition coming along to deport the idiot back to Great Britain?  Perhaps I should add my signature.

So how about we boil everything down to the essence of what's happening in the new year.  The 1st Amendment to the Consitution, especially regarding Freedom of Religion.  Destroyed by ObamaCare.

The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution, the Right to Bear Arms.  About to be destroyed by the Senate, which is lining up behind Diane Feinstein's bill to essentially repeal that amendment.  Just watched the video 'For Greater Glory', in which an early scene depicts a hit squad of Mexican Federales breaking down the Church doors and slaughtering the unarmed people inside attending Mass.

Is the day nearer than we thought when Ms. Feinstein might order a hit squad to do the same at a parish in California?

I'll bet the Christeros didn't think it could happen to them either.

Christians have been persecuted since the First Century.  I suppose we Americans have enjoyed 200 years of freedom from such persecution, and our time is up.

As the priest portrayed by Peter O'Toole told little Jose as he awaited the Federales he knew were on their way to execute him,

"There is no greater glory than to give up one's life for Christ".

How many Americans will discover the truth of that statement first-hand over the next decade or so?

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