Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Scandal that can Defeat Obama

Is Fast & Furious.

Checking out this post at Powerline, I can only draw the conclusion that the documents Holder's hiding from Congress are explosive.  It's not difficult to conceive that Holder's scrambling to keep documents away from public scrutiny that very likely tie Fast & Furious directly to himself and quite possible the President as well.

Looking at the basic facts of Fast & Furious, the only explanation that makes any sense at all is the one proposed by some on the Right.  That Fast & Furious was an Obama Administration invention, carried out by Holder, which sought to create an impression of unscrupulous gun dealers selling assault weapons to the Mexican drug lords.  The administration's lapdogs in the press will run special "investigative" stories on 60 Minutes that focus on those arms sales and the violence that resulted while conveniently overlooking the government's role.

There is a simple binary choice in this case.  You must either believe that F&F was a gun-running sting operation designed to bring down Mexican drug cartels that was horribly bungled, or that F&F was purposely designed to provide a cover for imposing new and oppressive gun control laws.

There's nobody stupid enough to set up a gun sting that fails to even attempt to track the guns, but even if the Obama gang were the Keystone Kops, that incompetence is reason enough to drive Holder out and prove that Obama's an abject failure as President.

So the only reasonable conclusion is the political calculation theory.  That's easy, because it fits the established pattern of this government.  Create a false issue out of thin air to get your base riled up, then use it as cover for another government overreach.  The HHS contraception mandates, for example.

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