Monday, April 23, 2012

Attacking Stay-at-Home Moms

This morning's Republic newspaper published an article by a liberal columnist named Dick Polman that dredges up the by-now tired old leftist argument that Ann Romney has no right to comment on women's issues because she's a rich stay-at-home mother.

Dick's one of the many leftists who think the original Hilary Rosen attack on Mrs. Romney was misunderstood, and all she was guilty of was bad phrasing.  He, like most of his fellow travelers on the left, supports Rosen's rhetoric 100 percent.

For Hilary, Dick, and by extention most of the rest of the left-wing feminists, Ann Romney is worthy of contempt not just because she was a stay-at-home mom, but because she is a RICH stay-at-home mom.  Therefore she is automatically disqualified to speak for most women, who of course are not rich.

The Left disagrees with the Romneys' main point, which is that Obama's bad economy is doing the majority of harm to women who can't find good jobs.  Instead Dick's article goes on to decry Romney policies that would shut down that all-important provider of "women's health services", Planned Parenthood.  (He pretends that Planned Parenthood "services" help prevent the flu or indigestion).  That Romney policies would restore the old welfare-to-work reforms of the 90's that will force single mothers to go to work rather than stay home with their children.  Or vaguely that Romney's policies will deny healthcare access for those poor single mothers' children.
Dick doesn't consider the explosion in American single motherhood a problem, but would probably demonize me for suggesting it is.

I'm living proof that it doesn't take Romney-sized wealth to "allow" a mother to stay home to raise her children.  Mine is a family of modest means, and the mother in our household left the workforce when our first child arrived and raised all three children by choice.

It was never a question of wealth.  We understood from the beginning that for our children to thrive and absorb our values, the best chance they had was to be raised at home - not by some minimum-wage worker at a commercial childcare warehouse. 

So many parents today choose the warehouse so they can have the new car, the exotic vacations, the NFL season tickets, dinners at expensive restaurants, and other luxuries.  They rationalize their choice to warehouse their children by telling their friends that they can't afford for Mom to stay at home, or the most popular rationalization from Mom is that she'd go crazy if she had to stay at home every day with her kids.

That single motherhood has become a modern norm is a tragedy, especially for the children forced to endure such circumstances.  It becomes a generational norm that gathers momentum over time, as daughters of single moms become single moms themselves.  And sons of single moms become either deadbeat dads or homosexual.

Our founders knew that the only way our republic would survive was if the population remained educated and moral.  Dick and his friends see education as a chance for indoctrination, and morality as passe.

The Republic's got a new editor who is obviously left-wing.  That's easily identified by simply reading the editorial page, where he publishes left-wing columnists like Polman daily without any conservative counterpoint.  It's unfortunate to see that he fails to even create an appearance of balance in the newspaper of a predominately conservative community.

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