Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wars and Rumors of War

If there's an overused word in politics, I submit that word is "War".

To overuse such a profound word and diminish it's definition from armies using weapons to annihilate people and destroy things into a cheap characterization of a fight over ideas is unfortunate.

How many "wars" are raging right now?

The War on ...
Women (a false and misleading idea promoted by the Obama campaign)
Terror (an unconventional war being raged by radical Islamists against Israel and the West)
Middle Class (another Obama Campaign theme, also known as the "99 Percent")
Drugs (The Obama gang has surrendered)
Immigrants (another manufactured Obama campaign theme)
Poverty (I think poverty won)

There are probably many others I just haven't thought of.  The only actual shooting war on this list is Terror, which somebody in Obama's State Department reportedly announced was over.

Talking about wars with someone recently, I voiced my thoughts on when it's appropriate to go to war as a country.  Only when the enemy presents a clear danger to the security of our citizens, and only if we citizens are prepared to expend as much life and treasure as it takes to win.

Enemies can't be pacified by negotiation.  Peace can't be bought by bribing an enemy for very long (see North Korea).  Peace is only achieved these ways:

1. You demonstrate that you've got an overwhelming force that will destroy your enemies, and are not afraid to use it.
2. You employ your armies ruthlessly to destroy your enemy.

The current government has made it clear they have no stomach for either of these options, which means our enemies become increasingly bold and threatening.

War's a terrible thing, and everyone should hope no war is ever necessary.  But there are always those who would happily destroy us because they don't like what we believe or they want what we have.  When our only options are submit or fight, we must either join the Amish and put our lives in God's hands or take up arms.

The folks in charge don't appear to have the sense to understand these and many other fundamental truths.

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