Monday, May 07, 2012

Voted Early

Since I knew I wouldn't be around for the official primary day, I went down to the courthouse last week and picked my GOP candidates.

As mentioned in previous posts, the hardest decision for me was US Senator.  I also went with the Presidential candidate I was supporting, even though he'd already given up.  Not sure why, I suppose just to send a message to the nominee that we're not all thrilled with him.

Does it really matter?  Whichever founding father it was that said our republic could not survive without a moral population was absolutely right, so it doesn't seem to matter much who we elect, as long as we've got a country full of selfish narcissists who, to put a twist on JFK, ask only what their country can do for them.

The people have willingly traded freedom for temporary security, and will soon have neither. 

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