Monday, April 16, 2012

Philosophy Summary

Cutting through the political arguments, how about something that compares the overall philosophy of a left-liberal to my own? I decided not to claim to speak for conservatives, but just share my personal philosophies.

Issue - Social Security

The Liberal believes …
Everybody should be given a comfortable pension from the government starting at age 65 regardless of how much they contributed during their working life.
I believe …
Fundamentally we all should be responsible for our own pensions. Social Security should be gradually changed to a personal pension savings account.

Issue - Healthcare
The Liberal believes
The government should provide a universal single-payer system funded by taxes
that covers everybody, even illegals.
I believe
We should return to a pay-for-service model for most health services, and generally use insurance only for catastrophic illnesses and injuries. Any programs created to help the poor pay for their healthcare should be an application for reimbursement instead of direct payments to providers.

Issue - Energy
The Liberal believes
Carbon fuels should be eliminated entirely as an incentive for the invention of clean fuels. Eliminating oil will give us a peace benefit because we won't be tempted to get involved in Middle East wars if we don't use their oil. We are killing our planet with fossil fuels.
I believe
We have to stop dreaming and go get all the abundant oil, gas, and coal waiting all across the country to be drilled and mined. If that results in a peace benefit, fine, but the main purpose is to develop the energy resources we need to fuel a strong economy. Environmental damage from fossil fuels is highly exaggerated.

Issue - Taxes
The Liberal believes
Rich people are politically connected so they are given preferential treatment that allows them to avoid paying their fare share. The deficits will be reduced if the rich just pay their fair share.
I believe
Taxes should only be collected to the exent that they fund only the fundamental activities of government. The rich pay the lion's share of taxes, and the left's position to the contrary is mere political posturing born of envy. It's past time to decide what the appropriate role of government should be, then reform the tax code to collect only the amount needed to fund those activities, with everyone contributing. Stop giving the majority of the population a free pass, even if that means lower income folks only pay a few dollars.

Issue - Regulation
The Liberal believes
Regulation is vital to the protection of the environment and to make sure corporations are not abusing people. Some regulation is required, but government has vastly exceeded any measure of reasonableness in issuing onerous regulations that go beyond their charter.
I believe
Regulation should be strictly focused on simple definitions of environmental responsibility and employee safety.

Issue - Immigration
The Liberal believes
Illegal immigrants should be granted amnesty and citizenship, and the US should recognize that frequent crossing of people from the southern border is a legacy from almost the entire history of the country.
I believe
The border should be secured. Employers should face serious legal sanctions if found to be employing undocumented workers. Any illegal immigrant found in a routine traffic stop or other contact with law enforcement should be processed for deportation immediately.

Issue - Foreign Policy
The Liberal believes
We should be friendly to all, and appease our enemies by disarming and agreeing to their demands to make up for our past bad behavior.
I believe
We should always speak softly and carry a big stick. The clear message to the rest of the world is that we want to be your friend, and if you choose to be our friend you'll find us the best friend you could hope to have in the world. If you choose to be our enemy you will find us to be your worst nightmare, as we will not tolerate any violence against our interests or citizens.
On the other hand, we should never go to war unless there is a credible threat to our country and we are willing to see it through to total victory.

Issue - Deficits and Debt
The Liberal believes
Deficits and debt are necessary to pull us out of the bad economy. We can reduce the deficit by increasing tax rates on the wealthy.
I believe
Deficit reduction must be priority 1 for economic recovery. Government overspending is sucking the air out of the private economy, and we can't recover without seriously addressing the deficits. Start with the easy cuts - waste, fraud, abuse, and unnecessary or unproductive programs. Cut everyone's budget by 2 percent over the next 10
years, then find the reforms to Medicare & Medicaid that will help get the budget under control without destroying the safety net for those who need it most.

Issue - Social Issues
The Liberal believes
Gays should be given marital rights, welfare should be expanded to all who need it and benefits increased to a living wage. Abortion should be funded by taxes and available to all at any stage of pregnancy without question or delay.
I believe
Abortion is infanticide. Homosexuality is a behavior disorder that isn't illegal but shouldn't be tax supported - If a gay couple wants to live like a married couple, there's nobody stopping them. But we don't have to subsidize them as a "Married" couple. Welfare kills incentive, and if it exists at all should be designed to help its beneficiaries re-enter the workforce and become self-sufficient as quickly as possible.

Issue - Church and State
The Liberal believes
Religion should have no place in the public sphere. There should be no religious expression in schools, courthouse lawns, or public ceremonies. A moral equivalency exists between Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Atheism, Wicca, and everyone is free to practice their religion as long as they do so in private.
I believe
There is no reference anywhere in the constitution to the famous phrase, "Wall of separation between church and state". Only the first amendment addresses religion, and its language is very easy to understand and interpret. We are a Christian nation. People should be allowed to practice religious expression freely and without any interference from government. Banning God from the schools was a horrible mistake. Obama's HHS Regulation clearly abridges the first amendment, and must be revoked quickly, whether voluntarily by the government or forcibly by the courts.

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