Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Why I Will Never Vote for Hillary

Sure, the fact that my views on almost every issue are diametrically opposed to those Hillary espouses could be enough to justify my principled avoidance of any support for her as a candidate. After all, there's more than enough evidence to prove that Hillary is, at her very core, a Communist. No, I'm not name-calling like the left likes to do when they call Bush a fascist (I'm not sure they even know what fascism is, but that's another topic). I'm stating a simple fact. Just listen to her talk or read something she's written; she can't stop herself from revealing her Marxian belief system by often paraphrasing or even quoting Comrade Karl at every opportunity.

Sealing the deal for me is her own history. I still can't understand why those who support her, even if they agree with her on political policy, can stomach the litany of unethical, immoral, and even illegal behavior behind her dogged pursuit of the most powerful office in the world.

How about a reminder:

Her activism and radicalism as a college student

The Travel Office firings

Vince Foster

Susan McDougal

FBI Files

Whitewater Billing Records

Cattle Futures

Johnny Chung to Norman Hsu and Other Fundraising Scandals

And the above are only the more egregious. I could drill down further into her habitual lying, telling small lies to whoppers simply to endear herself to whatever audience she finds.

No other candidate for President, Democrat or Republican, has such a colorful history of scandal and hint of scandal. Not to mention no other candidate gets the free pass from the media on all this baggage like Hillary continues to enjoy.

I am disappointed that so many people have been fooled or simply don't care, because Hillary's nomination is a fait accompli.

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